Roman Merga | Economics

I am an Economist at IMF's Research Department. I received my PhD in Economics from the University of Rochester.

My main research interests focus in International Economics and Macroeconomics.

University of Rochester

Principles of Economics

(Undergraduate) Summer 2020: Instructor


(Graduate) Fall 2018, 2019, 2020: Teaching Assistant

Money, Credit and Banking

(Undergraduate) Spring 2019: Teaching Assistant

Pricing Policies

(Graduate) Fall 2018, 2019: Teaching Assistant (Simon Business school)

Intermediate Macroeconomics

(Undergraduate) Spring 2018: Teaching Assistant


Working papers

International Trade, Volatility, and Income Differences

This paper offers a unified explanation for two puzzles in international trade: the limited participation of developing countries in international trade and the negative correlation between firm-level sales volatility and exports. By extending the standard heterogeneous firm trade model with variable price-demand elasticity and exporter dynamics, the "Oi-Hartman-Abel" effect present in standard models reverses; profit reductions during downturns outweigh boom-time gains. This causes firms in volatile economies to be discouraged from exporting and expanding into foreign markets. Consequently, volatility reduces aggregate exports and total income, explaining nearly two-thirds of the unexplained export differences across development levels and 75% of the observed relationship between firm-level sales volatility and exports.

Real Exchange Rate Uncertainty Matters

I introduce a novel forward-looking measure of real exchange rate uncertainty (RERU) and examine its effects on international trade. I show that rising RERU triggers a precautionary response from exporters: export intensity and entry to new markets decline, while export prices and exit increase. My empirical results show that these microeconomic adjustments are primarily driven by exporters facing higher interest rates. To capture these dynamic responses, I develop a sunk-cost trade model with heterogeneous firms and firm-specific default risk. Increased RERU exposes exporters to greater financial vulnerability, who hedge against this risk by increasing markups or exiting the export market, which explains my documented facts. Quantitatively, the model predicts a standard deviation increase in RERU reduces total exports by 6%.

Fighting Income Inequality With International Trade
(with Victor Hernandez and Nicholas Kozeniauskas)

How does international trade affect the wage distribution across workers? We use detailed employer-employee covering 1987 to 2004 to answer this question. Using a new instrumental variable approach to disentangle the effects that trade openness has over the distribution of income and wages, we document that an increase in local trade exposure reduces wage inequality. Furthermore, we show that this result is associated with changes happening at the within-industry and within-firm levels. These changes lead to increases in the relative demand for low-wage and low-skill type of worker. At the within-industry level, we show that trade openness reallocates workers towards small firms and low-skilled jobs. At the within-firm level, we find that small firms increase their labor intensity and the average amount of workers, while larger firms reduce it in response to changes in trade openness. We argue that these firm-level responses are the root of the increase in the relative demand for low-wage workers.

Selected work in progress

Pricing to Clients and the Pass-Through of Shocks
(with Armen Khederlarian)

Most of the studies on exporter's pricing behavior focus on discrimination across markets. Less attention has been paid to how firms price discriminate across their portfolio of customers. Using novel firm-to-firm transaction level data from Colombian exports, we document three facts. First, price dispersion at the seller-product level is non-negligible and a large fraction of it is accounted for by within destination variation. Second, clients with larger shares in the exporters' past revenues pay lower prices and their prices are adjusted more frequently. Third, prices paid by the largest clients are less sensitive to fluctuations in the exchange rate, especially when the currency appreciates. These results illustrate that firms actively price discriminate across their buyers and offer more favorable terms to their largest clients. We rationalize these facts with a model of heterogeneous buyers and sellers, costly search, random matching and menu costs.